Monthly Archives: November 2017

Bubbly Baths and More!

So far, I’m really enjoying planning my story times using the  alphabet .  Last week, my Preschool Pals and Library Adventure Story Times had the same theme: African Animals.  While both groups seemed to have lots of fun with Honey, Honey…Lion by Jan Brett, my older Library Adventure friends enjoyed comparing Honey, Honey…Lion with If You Hear A Honey Guide,  a nonfiction book by April Pulley Sayre. We discussed fiction and nonfiction and finished up with my retelling of The Name of the Tree, using library-made musical instruments.

And although there is irony in planning a Bath and Bubbly Story Time while a tropical storm bathes my house with lots of rain, story time for all three of my groups will feature LOTS of bubbles this week. We’ll have books about baths and bathing at the Preschool Pals and Monday Fun-Day Baby Toddler programs and Bubble Science with the Library Adventures group.  Why feature bubbles? Well, for one thing, they are so much fun for all of us. I love them as much as the kids do. Other reasons include helping children to focus, calm down, and isolate the facial, mouth and lip muscles needed for speech and language.  And you thought it was just ’cause they were pretty!

As always, thanks to sunflowerstorytime for great book suggestions, printables and links to great finger plays. While I will use her adorable Elephants in the Tub flannel board, I’m adding King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub because it’s such fun to read with a group!

Here are the songs, finger plays, craft and science, we’ll do at our Preschool Pals!

Welcome Song * 

Bubbles, Bubbles, 1-2-3 * (Bubbles, bubbles/ 1-2-3! Blow some bubbles along with me!/ Purse your lips just like this!/ Just like you want to blow a kiss!/Now take a deep breath and blow, blow, BLOW!/That’s how bubbles are made, you know! /(Hold hands together, then expand them outward as you say) /Blow, slowly! VERY SLOW!/ My bubbles grew and grew, its true!/Oh, please, bubbles! Never stop!/OH, NO! OH,NO! My bubble POPPED! * Clap hands loudly.

Bath Time! Bath Time! (Tune: Daisy, Daisy) *Bath time, Bath time!/ Mom says it’s bath time!/Water and soap and bath cloth, too!/ (pretend to scrub) Don’t you think I should wash my SHOE?/ (hold up one foot and point to shoe) It’s bath time, bath time! /Time to get clean and neat!/ Wash my toes and wash my nose and also my DIRTY FEET!/ Peee- YU!/ (Hold nose) Bath time, Bath Time!/Dad says “It’s bath time!”/ Bubbles and soap will help you wash!/ Nope, you can’t bathe with a SQUASH!/ (Place hands on both sides of face. Mime horror!)  It’s bath time, bath time!/ Time to get neat and clean!/Wash your ears and hair and also your knees! Why, oh why, ARE THEY GREEN?/ GREEN?/ (Mime surprise) *Bath time, Bath time!/ Mom & Dad say “BATH TIME!”/Use your sponge to rub-a-dub-dub!/ (Pretend to scrub) Lot of bubbles to help me scrub! ’cause it’s bath time! BATH TIME! Time to get clean and wet!/ Uh-Oh! I’m joined by my PET!/ (Shake, shake, shake!)

What kind of pet or animal would you like to join your bath? Let’s get ready to hear  about some kids who have LOTS of animals in their baths!”

I Wiggle My Fingers

Who’s in the Tub? by Sylvie Jones

Big Red Tub by Julia Jarman

Five Elephants in the Bath ( Thanks, Sunflower Story Time, for the printables)

One elephant in the bathtub, going for a swim!/Knock-Knock/There’s another!/ Splish! Splash! /Come on In!/ Two elephants in the bathtub, going for a swim!/ Knock-Knock!/ There’s another!/Splish! Splash!/ Dive on In!/ Three elephants in the bathtub, going for a swim!/Knock-Knock!/There’s another!/Splish! Splash!/ Jump on in!/ Four elephants in the bathtub, going for a swim!/Knock-Knock!/ There’s another!/Splish! Splash! Leap on In!/ Now there are FIVE elephants in the bathtub! What a Mess! Water and bubbles all over the place!/ Blowing bubbles with their trunks and splashing with their feet!/(Blow bubbles and stomp feet)/ Squirting water on the floor which WAS dry and NEAT!/Oh, No,  Elephants!/ It’s time for you to go!/ I pulled the bath plug right from the drain./ Away those elephants went, but they’ll come back again!

Stand-up Songs & Movement

Repeat Five Elephants in the Bath as an action activity

Scarf Play * (Tune: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes) Hand out scarves.

Sing & Act Out: Wash your head, fingers, knees and toes!/knees and toes!/ x2

Now wash your tummy and your dimpled elbows! Wash your head, fingers, knees and toes!

Wash your head, fingers, knees and toes!/knees and toes!/x2

Now wash your shoulders, ears and cute NOSE!

Wash your head, fingers, knees and toes!

Wash your head, fingers, knees and toes!/knees and toes!/x2

Scarf Play # 2: (Tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low?)

Wash your nose, nose, nose!/ And now wash your toes!/ Now, wash your little dimpled elbows!/ Wash your head, head, head!/Now, your knees instead!/ Stretch and blink, like you’re ready for bed!/ Wash your nose, nose, nose!/ Your toes like a rose!/Now, wash your little dimpled elbows!/Wash your head, head, head!/Now, your shoulders instead!/You’re clean, my friend!/ You’re ready for bed!

Please put your scarf in the basket, when I come to you! / Please put your scarf in the basket!/ Thank you very much!/ Please put your scarf in the basket, when I come to you!/ Please put your scarf in the basket!/ Now, clap your hands together!( Tune: Clap Your Hands Together from American Folk Songs for Children)

Segue into  Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands ending with “Please, please sit right down!”

Jack in the Box (Crouch)/ Sits so still/ (Hide face)/Will you come out?/ Yes, I WILL! (Spring Up onto knees)

Bubbles are floating x2/ In my bath! In my bath!/ Lots and lots of colors/ Rainbow Colors!/ Round and round without a sound!/ Shh! Shh! Shh! (Use host puppet with towel and bar of soap)

“I love to take bubble baths! Do you like bubbles in your bath? What if you didn’t want to get out of your bathtub? Let’s hear a story about a King who NEVER wanted to leave his bath!”

King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub

Closing Song: Skidamarink

Craft/Experiment: We’ll do a little STEAM by making our own bubble mix and trying it out.  My Preschool Pals will make bubble wands with chenille stems and try out blowing their own bubbles with straws. For safety purposes, use a pin to poke a tiny hole in the top of the straw. My Library Adventure friends will make bubble snakes.